Emily Rudquist
A native to Minnesota, Emily Rudquist, is a dedicated piano teacher that individualizes her
instruction to the learning style of each student. Her curriculum is based on the belief that music
learning is a dynamic experience. Students can expect to the learn the foundations of piano playing through engaging activities that allow students to discover and create music with their whole selves.
Emily has devoted her education to the art of teaching piano. She holds a Master’s Degree in Piano Performance and Pedagogy from the University of Oklahoma and a Bachelor’s Degree from Gustavus Adolphus College. In 2022, she completed a one-year fellowship teacher training at The New School of Music Study in Kingston, New Jersey. In addition, she is currently being trained in the Dalcroze method. Emily is a member of MTNA (Music Teachers National Association), MMTA (Minnesota Music Teachers Association), and is a NCTM (Nationally Certified Teacher of Music).