Intergenerational Connections

Intergenerational Connections

A Harmonious Blend: Music, Friendship, and Learning A Fantastic Partnership between MacPhail Center for Music, The Pillars of Prospect Park Senior Living, and The Pillars Child Care Center Imagine a …

Summer Family Dance Party

Here are some songs you can sing and dance to with your family from Sing Play Learn with MacPhail®! The Benefits of Dancing in Early Childhood – Toddler Benefits of …

Engaging in Musical Play with Young Children

This Tip Sheet, developed in conjunction with MacPhail Center for Music and the University of Minnesota, gives ideas for using music in the classroom to help with emotional regulation and …

Parenting Pickup with Dianna Babcock

Dianna Babcock, Director of Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® and host Cara Johnson-Bader of New Horizon Academy talk about why music is essential in a child’s life.

Sing Play Learn: Crossing the Midline

Bailey Cook teaches a movement-based activity using The Syncopated Clock by Leroy Anderson. This activity is a wonderful movement activity to practice what we call “crossing the mid-line”.

What do you do with babies?

Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® Director Dianna Babcock explains how music is an amazing teaching tool for brain development.

Five Minutes of Music

Cozy Relaxation for Children Grab a cozy pillow or blanket and join Teacher Stacy from SPL for Five Minutes of Music to practice some mindfulness techniques with your child. Taking a few …

Early Childhood Vocal Exploration Activity

Why is vocal exploration important? Vocal exploration helps children find their singing voices and learn how to better control them. It is a vital part of early childhood music-making. Try …

Songwriting Activity at Home with Adam Marshall

Does your child make up songs at home? Join us in taking your child’s songwriting skills to another level. Students will create lyrics from familiar tunes, compose new music, venture …


Keep the music alive in your family by attending some FREE family-friendly concerts this summer. This year, MacPhail featured some outstanding groups at our Free Family Concerts; The Bazillions, The …

Hooray for Birds

with Cari Gregerson Join Sing Play Learn faculty member Cari Gregerson for an interactive reading about birds that will get your children singing and dancing! 0:00 Intro and Hello Song …

You Are A Gift

with Stacy Canino Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® teacher, Stacy Canino performing, discussing, and providing ideas for how to use the song You Are a Gift, which Stacy herself wrote. …

Singable Books!

Combining music and reading creates an incredible experience that uses every part of the brain! Learn how with this video from Sing Play Learn teacher Ivory Doublette.

How to Make a Monolin at Home

 How to make a Monolin (single-stringed instrument) at home. Items needed:    Large Milk or Juice Carton (one with a screw top works best and can act as a sound hole)  Fishing …

The Story of a Young Boy and His Ukulele

During the pandemic, as was the case with so many children, one of our young students (we will call him O) missed starting pre-kindergarten. O spent weekdays with his grandparents …

Alternatives to Problematic Children’s Songs

The Sing Play Learn department at MacPhail Center for Music has been busy revamping parts of our curricula for the last couple of years. Our goal was to research the origins of the songs …

Executive Functioning and the Role of Music

Executive Functioning is a term that describes a set of mental skills which includes:  Working memory.  Flexibility in thinking.  Self-control, or impulse control.   As children develop so do their executive functioning skills, however, sometimes …

Next Steps

As the summer Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® classes have come to a close, you might be wondering what next?  If you are, you are not alone; we have created this guide to aid you in your next …

Nature Walk with Music

Join Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® teachers Cari and Jane at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and have fun singing about bee, birds, butterflies, bugs, and more!

Preparing for Sleep and the Role of Music

Sleep is one of the most talked about topics for young children. We live in a society that tends to be sleep deprived. Around 25% of young children have sleep problems. …

Springtime Fun with Music

Now that the weather is warming up, the outdoors are coming alive with music.  There is music all around you!  What do you hear when you go outside?  Listen for birds singing their …

Children and Separation Anxiety

Children and Separation Anxiety   Separation anxiety is something that most, if not all, children experience at some point in their lives. There are a wide range of symptoms may manifest at different stages of development. Mostly, …

How to Make Maracas at Home

It is believed that the Maracas originated from the Tainos, Native Indians of Puerto Rico. Learn how to make your own Maracas with the help of Sing Play Learn! with …

Play and Creativity Using Music: Explore New Music

How can music activities at home encourage play and creativity in children?   Play is one of the most important parts of early childhood.  When a child is engaging in play they are building their brains …

Play and Creativity Using Music: Sing

How can music activities at home encourage play and creativity in children?   Play is one of the most important parts of early childhood.  When a child is engaging in play they are building their brains …

Utility Songs

Help make your child’s day go more smoothly with these Utility Songs taught by Jane Tate.

Music And Toddler Development

Join our guests from MacPhail Center for Music, Early Childhood Music Educators, Jane Tate, and Cari Gregerson as we discuss the developmental pathway of toddlers and how music can help …

The Music and Learning Connection

Listen as podcast guests Dianna Babcock and Jane Tate of MacPhail Center for Music discuss the evidence that music does have a positive impact on a young child’s executive functioning …

Talking About Race

What we believe and how we talk about race is of the utmost importance. The National Museum of African American History & Culture asks How do we teach such challenging subject …

Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books

Representation matters – it’s important and affirming for kids to see characters who look like them and the people in their families in the books they read. It’s equally important …

Benefits of Music on Children’s Development

Listen as Priscilla Weigel and her guest Dianna Babcock of MacPhail Center for Music chat about the way music can enhance learning.  They discuss the benefits music has on a …

Music and Infant Development

Join our guests from MacPhail Center for Music, Early Childhood Music Educators, Jane Tate and Cari Gregerson as we discuss the developmental pathway of infants and how music can help …

Playing with Music at Home

Music making doesn’t need to be formal at all times – it’s easy to incorporate music into the daily routines with your child, in fact, you may find you already …

Support Math Readiness Through Music

The teachers in our Sing, Play, Learn! with MacPhail® department know that music class isn’t just fun and play. Music learning can build a child’s math skills. Check out this …

Let’s Make a Rainstick

Rain…rain…go away! Or, make it stay and make a rainstick with materials you have at home. Teacher Cari is here to show you how.

Let’s Make Egg Shakers

Egg shakers are popular in our Sing, Play, Learn! with MacPhail® classes. Teacher Cari shows you how to make your own!

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