Concerto & Aria Finals
MacPhail Concerto & Aria Concert is the premiere student performance event at MacPhail. Performers undergo two rounds of competitive auditions in order to be selected for the final concert. This year, instead of chamber orchestra, a double string quartet will perform for select repertoire. Other performances will feature soloist with piano accompaniment, or a pre-recorded performance for the singers, who were not able to audition in-person. This year, the concert will be broadcast online in mid-May. Watch this space for more information regarding the broadcast.
Prelims: Sunday, January 16, 2022 starting at 11:30 am
Finals: Sunday, January 30, 2022 starting at 11:30 am
Concert: Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 3:30pm
2022 Concerto & Aria Application (due Sunday, December 19 before 5:00pm)