Finding Their Beat: Empowering Youth Through Music

One is the Loneliest Number… but Less Lonely Now

Harry Nilsson’s “One is the Loneliest Number” Arranged and Reimagined by Joe Kaiser (with help from his friends) Joe Kaiser, a passionate cellist, and beloved MacPhail cello teaching artist began …


Meet Blake Zimmerli, an Austin High School senior bursting with musical talent, crafting symphonies despite COVID-19 challenges. Delve into Blake’s journey from piano lessons to composing, culminating in the performance of his masterpiece “Brouhaha” by The Austin Symphony Orchestra.

Parenting Pickup with Dianna Babcock

Dianna Babcock, Director of Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® and host Cara Johnson-Bader of New Horizon Academy talk about why music is essential in a child’s life.

Sing Play Learn: Crossing the Midline

Bailey Cook teaches a movement-based activity using The Syncopated Clock by Leroy Anderson. This activity is a wonderful movement activity to practice what we call “crossing the mid-line”.

What do you do with babies?

Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® Director Dianna Babcock explains how music is an amazing teaching tool for brain development.

Alexandra Sapan: Three Greek Songs

Alexandra Sapan, MacPhail voice faculty, presents three original Greek songs in a project supported by Macphail Center for Music and McKnight Foundation. (Accompanied by Dr. Jonathan Tauscheck, MacPhail piano faculty)

A MacPhail Story: Matt & Crosby

Diana Bearmon, piano instructor at MacPhail, strives to make her lessons student-centered because she believes that their learning experience should be uniquely about them. With 30 plus years of teaching …

A Composer’s Roundtable Discussion

An insider’s look into the process of creating music for film and television. The panel discussion brings together three professional film/tv composers and a director to discuss their latest works and …

MacPhail Story: Austin Wahl

Meet new MacPhail guitar faculty member, Austin Wahl, former MacPhail Suzuki guitar student. Welcome home Austin.

Five Minutes of Music

Cozy Relaxation for Children Grab a cozy pillow or blanket and join Teacher Stacy from SPL for Five Minutes of Music to practice some mindfulness techniques with your child. Taking a few …

Songwriting Activity at Home with Adam Marshall

Does your child make up songs at home? Join us in taking your child’s songwriting skills to another level. Students will create lyrics from familiar tunes, compose new music, venture …

Suzuki Chamber Cello

Performs Gabriel de Souza Alencar’s Quarteto de Cellos #4 The Chamber Cello Group from the MacPhail Center for Music Suzuki Program performs Gabriel de Souza Alencar’s Quarteto de Cellos #4.

When Marian Sang, a book that sings!

Presented by Opera Oriented Projects of Minnesota, Mikalia Bradberry reads aloud and performs excerpts from “When Marian Sang,” written by Pam Muñoz Ryan, illustrated by Brian Selznick, and published by …

Musical Minute: Margaret Bonds

with Andrea Leap Join MacPhail Music for Life™ and voice instructor Andrea Leap for a glimpse into the life and music of composer, civil rights activist, and concert pianist, Margaret …

Musical Minute: Èlisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre

with Andrea Leap Join MacPhail Music for Life™ and voice instructor Andrea Leap for a glimpse into the life and music of French Harpsichord player, singer, and composer, Èlisabeth Jacquet …

Lunar New Year Celebration at MNYO

with Chi-Chi Bestmann Conductor & violist, Chi-Chi Bestmann brought her Erhu (The Chinese violin, which she learned while growing up in Taiwan) to share with her orchestra members. They read …

Celebrate Ukulele Day

with Patsy O’Brien It’s World Play Your Ukulele Day. We asked MacPhail Music for Life ™ (MMFL) teaching artist, Patrick “Patsy” O’Brien, why he loves the ukulele. He has only …

MacPhail Story: Rylan Hefner

Reflecting on his 17 years as a MacPhail student, Rylan Hefner had this to say, “(MacPhail has)… always been a driving force behind my musical teaching and learning and everything I’ve done related …

Hooray for Birds

with Cari Gregerson Join Sing Play Learn faculty member Cari Gregerson for an interactive reading about birds that will get your children singing and dancing! 0:00 Intro and Hello Song …

MacPhail Story: Holly & John

From chorus, to clarinet, cello and beyond, Holly MacDonald and John Orbison are no strangers to trying new things with 5 instruments between them including voice. While their recent endeavor …

You Are A Gift

with Stacy Canino Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® teacher, Stacy Canino performing, discussing, and providing ideas for how to use the song You Are a Gift, which Stacy herself wrote. …

Musical Minute: William Grant Still

with Andrea Leap Join MacPhail Music for Life™ and voice instructor Andrea Leap for a glimpse into the life and music of American composer William Grant Still. More Musical Minutes

Singable Books!

Combining music and reading creates an incredible experience that uses every part of the brain! Learn how with this video from Sing Play Learn teacher Ivory Doublette.

Musical Minute: Tomas de Torrejon y Velasco

with Andrea Leap Join MacPhail Music for Life™ and voice instructor Andrea Leap for a glimpse into the life and music of Spanish composer, musician, and organist Tomas de Torrejon …

Class Notes Concerts Preview: The Paper Clips

Each year, YourClassical MPR reaches tens of thousands of students across Minnesota through the Class Notes Concerts program. Designed to engage and inspire elementary students through live musical performance, these …

Musical Minute: Louise Farrenc

with Andrea Leap Join MacPhail Music for Life™ and voice instructor Andrea Leap for a fun glimpse into the life and music of Louise Farrenc, composer, pianist, teacher, and feminist. …

Garrett McQueen

Bassoonist | Composer | Radio Host | Producer Twitter Garrett McQueen is an active advocate for diversity in classical music. A proud native of Memphis, TN, Garrett McQueen has performed in venues …

MacPhail Story: Brian and David Muhs

Heidi and Merrill Muhs knew they wanted their sons to get into band in high school. Thinking ahead, they brought their son Brian to MacPhail when he was in 5th …

Nature Walk with Music

Join Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® teachers Cari and Jane at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and have fun singing about bee, birds, butterflies, bugs, and more!

Cultural Competency in Music Education

EMRA Teaching Artist, Krysta Rayford discusses Cultural Competency in this second of three Professional Development Sessions. Other EMRA Professional Development Sessions:

Using iMovie for Music and Teaching

EMRA Studio Coordinator and Teaching Artist, Isaac Rohr discusses how to use iMovie for music and teaching in this first of three Professional Development Sessions. Other EMRA Professional Development Sessions:

Recognizing Juneteenth at MacPhail

with JD & Fred Steele Each year on Juneteenth, MacPhail will pause to reflect how the monstrous chapter of American slavery has deeply harmed so many over hundreds of years and celebrate …

A More Excellent Way

Remembering George Floyd, Today we remember an all too familiar pain, but we keep moving forward. We fight to create a better nation than our mothers and fathers, their mothers …

How to Make Maracas at Home

It is believed that the Maracas originated from the Tainos, Native Indians of Puerto Rico. Learn how to make your own Maracas with the help of Sing Play Learn! with …

Utility Songs

Help make your child’s day go more smoothly with these Utility Songs taught by Jane Tate.

MacPhail—Austin Documentary

In September 2020, MacPhail Center for Music in partnership with Austin Public Schools and with support from the Hormel Foundation, opened their new state-of-the-art music education center.

Learn more about the process and the beautiful result via this documentary by Patrick Gavin.

Madeline Island Chamber Music on PBS Wisconsin

Welcome to Madeline Island Chamber Music! MacPhail is pleased to join with Madeline Island Chamber Music, a program and destination devoted to educating and nurturing the next generation of musicians …

Garden of the Righteous Documentary

MacPhail Center for Music, in partnership with the East Side Freedom Library and Heyde Center for the Arts and Mabel Tainter Memorial Theater in conjunction with Unitarian Society of Menomonie, …

LISTEN! PLEASE! A Documentary by J.D. Steele

Please note: This film contains brief instances of adult language. In a year when the pain and injustice of systemic racism has once again placed our city and our nation …

Interview with Robin Eubanks

Robin Eubanks is the premier jazz trombonist of his generation. Whether performing with his groups, Mental Images or EB3 or with The SF Jazz Collective, Dave Holland Quintet / Big Band, …

Let’s Make a Rainstick

Rain…rain…go away! Or, make it stay and make a rainstick with materials you have at home. Teacher Cari is here to show you how.

Let’s Make Egg Shakers

Egg shakers are popular in our Sing, Play, Learn! with MacPhail® classes. Teacher Cari shows you how to make your own!

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